ABS SCPI Driver 1.0.0
ABS SCPI driver library
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CInterface.h File Reference

C-style interface to the library. More...

+ Include dependency graph for CInterface.h:


struct  AbsDeviceInfo
 ABS device information structure. All strings are guaranteed to be null-terminated. More...
struct  AbsEthernetConfig
 ABS Ethernet address configuration. All strings are guaranteed to be null-terminated. More...
struct  AbsModelInfo
 Information about a model. Strings are null-terminated. More...
struct  AbsEthernetDiscoveryResult
 ABS Ethernet discovery result. All strings are guaranteed to be null-terminated. More...
struct  AbsSerialDiscoveryResult
 ABS serial discovery result. All strings are guaranteed to be null-terminated. More...


#define ABS_SCPI_ERR_SUCCESS   (0)
 Success (no error)
 Channel index out of range.
 Invalid IP address.
 Connection timed out.
 Connection failed.
 Failed to send message.
 Send timed out.
 Failed to read message.
 Read timed out.
 Not connected.
 Invalid response from the unit.
 Invalid fault type.
 Invalid sense range.
 Invalid argument.
 Invalid driver handle.
 Receive not allowed by driver.
 Already connected.
 Unexpected socket error.
 Failed to bind socket.
 Failed to open serial port.
 Failed to configure serial port.
 Failed to join multicast group.
 Buffer too small.
 Allocation failed.
 Unexpected exception.
 No fault.
 Open circuit fault.
 Short circuit fault.
 Polarity fault.
 Automatic based on current limits (default)
 Low range (1A)
 High range (5A)
#define ABS_CELL_MODE_CV   0
 Constant voltage (normal)
#define ABS_CELL_MODE_ILIM   1
 Current limited.
 Model is running.
#define ABS_MODEL_STATUS_LOADED   (0x02)
 Model is loaded.
 Model has errored.


typedef void * AbsScpiClientHandle
 ABS SCPI client handle.


const char * AbsScpiClient_ErrorMessage (int error)
 Get an error message to describe an error code returned by the driver.
int AbsScpiClient_Init (AbsScpiClientHandle *handle_out)
 Initialize a SCPI client.
void AbsScpiClient_Destroy (AbsScpiClientHandle *handle)
 Destroy a SCPI client.
int AbsScpiClient_OpenUdp (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const char *target_ip, const char *interface_ip)
 Open a UDP connection to the ABS.
int AbsScpiClient_OpenTcp (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const char *target_ip)
 Open a TCP connection to the ABS.
int AbsScpiClient_OpenSerial (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const char *com_port, unsigned int device_id)
 Open a serial connection to one or many ABSes.
int AbsScpiClient_OpenUdpMulticast (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const char *interface_ip)
 Open a UDP multicast socket for broadcasting to many ABSes.
int AbsScpiClient_Close (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Close the client connection.
int AbsScpiClient_SetTargetDeviceId (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int device_id)
 Set the target device ID for communication.
int AbsScpiClient_GetTargetDeviceId (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int *device_id_out)
 Get the target device ID for communication.
int AbsScpiClient_GetDeviceInfo (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, AbsDeviceInfo *info_out)
 Query basic information about the unit.
int AbsScpiClient_GetDeviceId (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, uint8_t *id_out)
 Query the ABS's device ID.
int AbsScpiClient_GetIPAddress (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, AbsEthernetConfig *addr_out)
 Query the device's IP address and subnet mask.
int AbsScpiClient_SetIPAddress (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const AbsEthernetConfig *addr)
 Set the device's IP address and subnet mask.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCalibrationDate (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, char buf[], unsigned int len)
 Get the device's calibration date.
int AbsScpiClient_GetErrorCount (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, int *count_out)
 Query the number of error's in the device's error queue.
int AbsScpiClient_GetNextError (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, int16_t *err_code_out, char msg_buf[], unsigned int msg_buf_len)
 Query the next error from the device's error queue.
int AbsScpiClient_ClearErrors (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Clear the device's error queue.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAlarms (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, uint32_t *alarms_out)
 Query the alarms raised on the device.
int AbsScpiClient_GetInterlockState (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, bool *interlock_out)
 Query the system interlock state.
int AbsScpiClient_AssertSoftwareInterlock (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Assert the software interlock (a recoverable alarm).
int AbsScpiClient_ClearRecoverableAlarms (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Clear recoverable alarms.
int AbsScpiClient_Reboot (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Reboot the device, resetting it to its POR state.
int AbsScpiClient_EnableCell (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, bool en)
 Enable a single cell.
int AbsScpiClient_EnableCellsMasked (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cells, bool en)
 Enable or disable multiple cells at once.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellEnabled (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, bool *en_out)
 Query whether a cell is enabled.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellsEnabledMasked (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int *cells_out)
 Query the enable state of all cells.
int AbsScpiClient_SetCellVoltage (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float voltage)
 Set a single cell's target voltage.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllCellVoltages (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const float voltages[], unsigned int count)
 Set many cells' target voltages.
int AbsScpiClient_SetMultipleCellVoltages (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cells, float voltage)
 Set multiple cells to the same voltage.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellVoltageTarget (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float *voltage_out)
 Query a cell's target voltage.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllCellVoltageTargets (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float voltages_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query many cells' target voltages.
int AbsScpiClient_SetCellSourcing (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float limit)
 Set a single cell's current sourcing limit.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllCellSourcing (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const float limits[], unsigned int count)
 Set many cells' sourcing limits.
int AbsScpiClient_SetMultipleCellSourcing (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cells, float limit)
 Set multiple cells to the same sourcing limit.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellSourcingLimit (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float *limit_out)
 Query a single cell's sourcing limit.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllCellSourcingLimits (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float limits_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query many cells' sourcing limits.
int AbsScpiClient_SetCellSinking (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float limit)
 Set a single cell's current sinking limit.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllCellSinking (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const float limits[], unsigned int count)
 Set many cells' sinking limits.
int AbsScpiClient_SetMultipleCellSinking (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cells, float limit)
 Set multiple cells to the same sinking limit.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellSinkingLimit (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float *limit_out)
 Query a single cell's sinking limit.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllCellSinkingLimits (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float limits_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query many cells' sinking limits.
int AbsScpiClient_SetCellFault (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, int fault)
 Set a single cell's fault state.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllCellFaults (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const int faults[], unsigned int count)
 Set many cells' fault states.
int AbsScpiClient_SetMultipleCellFaults (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cells, int fault)
 Set multiple cells to the same fault state.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellFault (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, int *fault_out)
 Query a single cell's fault state.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllCellFaults (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, int faults_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query many cells' fault states.
int AbsScpiClient_SetCellSenseRange (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, int range)
 Set a single cell's current sense range.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllCellSenseRanges (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const int ranges[], unsigned int count)
 Set many cells' current sense ranges.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellSenseRange (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, int *range_out)
 Query a single cell's current sense range.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllCellSenseRanges (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, int ranges_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query many cells' current sense ranges.
int AbsScpiClient_EnableCellNoiseFilter (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, bool en)
 Enable or disable the cell 50/60Hz noise filter.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellNoiseFilterEnabled (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, bool *en_out)
 Query the enable state of the cell 50/60Hz noise filter.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureCellVoltage (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float *voltage_out)
 Measure a cell's voltage.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureAllCellVoltages (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float voltages_out[], unsigned int count)
 Measure many cells' voltages.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureCellCurrent (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, float *current_out)
 Measure a cell's current.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureAllCellCurrents (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float currents_out[], unsigned int count)
 Measure many cells' currents.
int AbsScpiClient_GetCellOperatingMode (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int cell, int *mode_out)
 Query a cell's operating mode (constant voltage or current-limited).
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllCellOperatingModes (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, int modes_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query many cells' operating modes (constant voltage or current-limited).
int AbsScpiClient_SetAnalogOutput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int channel, float voltage)
 Set a single analog output's voltage.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllAnalogOutputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const float voltages[], unsigned int count)
 Set many analog outputs.
int AbsScpiClient_SetMultipleAnalogOutputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int channels, float voltage)
 Set multiple analog outputs to the same value.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAnalogOutput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int channel, float *voltage_out)
 Query on analog output's set point.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllAnalogOutputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float voltages_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query many analog outputs' set points.
int AbsScpiClient_SetDigitalOutput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int channel, bool level)
 Set a single digital output.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllDigitalOutputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int levels_mask)
 Set all digital outputs.
int AbsScpiClient_GetDigitalOutput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int channel, bool *level_out)
 Query the state of a digital output.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllDigitalOutputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int *levels_out)
 Query the states of all digital outputs.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureAnalogInput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int channel, float *voltage_out)
 Measure a single analog input.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureAllAnalogInputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float voltages_out[], unsigned int count)
 Measure many analog inputs.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureDigitalInput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int channel, bool *level_out)
 Measure a single digital input.
int AbsScpiClient_MeasureAllDigitalInputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int *levels_out)
 Measure all digital inputs.
int AbsScpiClient_GetModelStatus (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, uint8_t *status_out)
 Query the model status.
int AbsScpiClient_LoadModel (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Load the model configuration on the device.
int AbsScpiClient_StartModel (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Start modeling.
int AbsScpiClient_StopModel (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Stop modeling.
int AbsScpiClient_UnloadModel (AbsScpiClientHandle handle)
 Unload the model configuration.
int AbsScpiClient_GetModelInfo (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, AbsModelInfo *model_info_out)
 Query information about the loaded model.
int AbsScpiClient_GetModelId (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, char id_buf[], unsigned int buf_len)
 Query the ID of the currently loaded model.
int AbsScpiClient_SetGlobalModelInput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int index, float value)
 Set a single global model input.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllGlobalModelInputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const float values[], unsigned int count)
 Set multiple global model inputs.
int AbsScpiClient_GetGlobalModelInput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int index, float *value_out)
 Query the value of a single global model input.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllGlobalModelInputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float values_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query the values of multiple global model inputs.
int AbsScpiClient_SetLocalModelInput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int index, float value)
 Set a single local model input.
int AbsScpiClient_SetAllLocalModelInputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, const float values[], unsigned int count)
 Set multiple local model inputs.
int AbsScpiClient_GetLocalModelInput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int index, float *value_out)
 Query the value of a single local model input.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllLocalModelInputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float values_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query the values of multiple local model inputs.
int AbsScpiClient_GetModelOutput (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, unsigned int index, float *value_out)
 Query a single model output.
int AbsScpiClient_GetAllModelOutputs (AbsScpiClientHandle handle, float values_out[], unsigned int count)
 Query multiple model outputs.
int AbsScpiClient_MulticastDiscovery (const char *interface_ip, AbsEthernetDiscoveryResult results_out[], unsigned int *count)
 Use UDP multicast to discover ABSes on the network.
int AbsScpiClient_SerialDiscovery (const char *port, uint8_t first_id, uint8_t last_id, AbsSerialDiscoveryResult results_out[], unsigned int *count)
 Use RS-485 to discover ABSes on the bus.

Detailed Description

C-style interface to the library.