Developer’s Overview


You can contribute to the project or report issues on the GitHub repository:

Remember, the Python library is a thin wrapper around the C/C++ drivers. If you have a problem/feature request pertaining to the C/C++ drivers, you should contribute that directly to the C/C++ drivers:

Building and Installing

Before doing any of the commands below, you should setup a virtual environment:

python -m venv .venv
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate

To install requirements for building:

python -m pip install build

To install the project locally from source:

python -m pip install .

To build HTML documentation:

python -m pip install -r docs/doc-requirements.txt
python -m sphinx -an docs docs/_build

Creating a New Release

  • Always release from the main branch.

  • Update the version, either using hatch version or by manually editing

  • To build distribution package: python -m build.

  • To create a release and publish to PyPI, push a tag to the main branch. Make sure you have updated the version appropriately first!